Although there are many different methods that credit card fraud is conducted, it generally involves the theft of personal data from credit/debit or store cards. This might involve the theft of the card itself or of personal information from it, which is subsequently used to make purchases or gain illegal funds. In defending victims of credit card theft, our attorneys have extensive expertise. The methods used to conduct this fraud have changed over time, and with the growing acceptance of online buying, they are now much more common.
Organisations offering credit advice
For many years, organisations have offered people helpful credit counselling and education to help them organise their personal money. The Internal Revenue Service still considers organisations that offer consumer advice and education to be exempt from paying taxes under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).
Federal and state officials are becoming more and more conscious, meanwhile, that some of the organisations that provide services to debtors have changed along with the consumer credit sector in the last 30 years. Many of these services don’t actually offer counselling or substantial education.